Thursday, November 8, 2012

Nor'easter brings new misery to Northeast

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cancer data in the 'cloud' could lead to more effective treatment

Cancer data in the 'cloud' could lead to more effective treatment [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 6-Nov-2012
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Contact: Phil Sneiderman
Johns Hopkins University

Storing music and photos on distant computers via "cloud" technology is nothing new. But Johns Hopkins researchers are now using this tactic to collect detailed information from thousands of cancer cell samples. The goal is to help doctors make better predictions about how a patient's illness will progress and what type of treatment will be most effective.

The project, supported by a new $3.75 million National Cancer Institute grant, was launched because researchers now realize that cancer cells affecting the same type of tissue can behave differently in different patients. Prostate cancers may grow rapidly in one patient, but expand at a glacial pace in another. A drug that kills a tumor in one patient may be useless or even harmful in the next patient.

To help doctors prepare a more personalized medical prognosis and treatment plan, Johns Hopkins has assembled experts in cancer and engineering, led by Denis Wirtz , associate director of the university's Institute for NanoBioTechnology. The team has begun characterizing and storing cancer data collected through a process called high-throughput cell phenotyping.

"We use scanning microscopy to take pictures of the size and shape of cancer cells," said Wirtz, who also directs the Johns Hopkins Physical Sciences-Oncology Center. "We also extract information about what is happening inside the cells and at the genetic level. We make notes of the age and gender of the patient and any treatment received. Looked at as a whole, this information can help us identify a 'signature' for a certain type of cancer.

That gives us a better idea of how it spreads and how it responds to certain drugs." He added, "The long-range goal is to make this data available through the Internet to physicians who are diagnosing and treating cancer patients around the world."

Wirtz , a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering in the university's Whiting School of Engineering, has been working with School of Medicine researchers Ralph Hruban and Anirban Maitra to begin the database with material from the files of thousands of cancer patients who have been evaluated and treated at Johns Hopkins. The patients' personal information has been deleted, but the remaining medical case data allows the researchers to trace the course of the disease from initial testing through treatment and outcome.

"This technology may provide a way to centralize specimen data, images and analysis in a way that hasn't been done before," said Maitra, a professor of pathology and oncology, "and we'll be using the information now to find better ways to treat disease."

The Johns Hopkins team will soon collect similar data from other major U.S. cancer research centers that are also supported by the National Institutes of Health. The initial focus will be pancreatic cancer, which is particularly aggressive and lethal.

"We may be able to correlate DNA changes that occur in individual pancreatic cancer cells with the appearance of these cells at the cellular level," said Hruban, a professor of pathology and oncology and director of the Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center. "The potential for this approach to provide insight into the fundamental biology of pancreatic cancer is significant, as are the potential clinical applications in predicting a patient's prognosis and in guiding therapy."

Other types of the disease, including breast and prostate cancer, will be addressed in the near future. Early data is being stored on computers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory under an arrangement funded by the NIH.

According to Wirtz, the details recorded in the online database will differ from those produced in traditional biopsy evaluations. Typically, information about a patient's disease is obtained by averaging the results from trillions of cells that have been blended together.

With the new scanning system, however, the Johns Hopkins researchers will obtain views of individual cells retrieved from individual patients, even from different parts of the same organ.

This ability to examine single cells is important, Wirtz said, because scientists have discovered that even cells that possess the identical genetic makeup can vary in other small ways that affect the behavior of cancer. For example, these tiny variations in genetically identical cells can cause some to be vulnerable to a particular cancer drug.

"We've come to realize that it is the heterogeneity -- the diversity of cells that have different characteristics -- that is important in evaluating a cancer case," Wirtz said. "In the end, what matters is the cell properties. That's what we measure."

Researchers will begin their studies on clinical samples collected at Johns Hopkins to determine how well the technology works and validate it's potential before it can be used to aid clinical decision-making.

The software and hardware used in the high-throughput cell phenotyping process is protected by patents obtained through the Johns Hopkins Technology Transfer office. The $3.75 million National Cancer Institute grant (CA174388) will be disbursed to the Johns Hopkins Institute for NanoBioTechnology over a five-year period. The funds were allocated through the National Institutes of Health's Common Fund Single Cell Analysis Program.


Related links:

Johns Hopkins Institute for NanoBioTechnology:

Johns Hopkins Engineering in Oncology Center:

Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center:

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Cancer data in the 'cloud' could lead to more effective treatment [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 6-Nov-2012
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Contact: Phil Sneiderman
Johns Hopkins University

Storing music and photos on distant computers via "cloud" technology is nothing new. But Johns Hopkins researchers are now using this tactic to collect detailed information from thousands of cancer cell samples. The goal is to help doctors make better predictions about how a patient's illness will progress and what type of treatment will be most effective.

The project, supported by a new $3.75 million National Cancer Institute grant, was launched because researchers now realize that cancer cells affecting the same type of tissue can behave differently in different patients. Prostate cancers may grow rapidly in one patient, but expand at a glacial pace in another. A drug that kills a tumor in one patient may be useless or even harmful in the next patient.

To help doctors prepare a more personalized medical prognosis and treatment plan, Johns Hopkins has assembled experts in cancer and engineering, led by Denis Wirtz , associate director of the university's Institute for NanoBioTechnology. The team has begun characterizing and storing cancer data collected through a process called high-throughput cell phenotyping.

"We use scanning microscopy to take pictures of the size and shape of cancer cells," said Wirtz, who also directs the Johns Hopkins Physical Sciences-Oncology Center. "We also extract information about what is happening inside the cells and at the genetic level. We make notes of the age and gender of the patient and any treatment received. Looked at as a whole, this information can help us identify a 'signature' for a certain type of cancer.

That gives us a better idea of how it spreads and how it responds to certain drugs." He added, "The long-range goal is to make this data available through the Internet to physicians who are diagnosing and treating cancer patients around the world."

Wirtz , a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering in the university's Whiting School of Engineering, has been working with School of Medicine researchers Ralph Hruban and Anirban Maitra to begin the database with material from the files of thousands of cancer patients who have been evaluated and treated at Johns Hopkins. The patients' personal information has been deleted, but the remaining medical case data allows the researchers to trace the course of the disease from initial testing through treatment and outcome.

"This technology may provide a way to centralize specimen data, images and analysis in a way that hasn't been done before," said Maitra, a professor of pathology and oncology, "and we'll be using the information now to find better ways to treat disease."

The Johns Hopkins team will soon collect similar data from other major U.S. cancer research centers that are also supported by the National Institutes of Health. The initial focus will be pancreatic cancer, which is particularly aggressive and lethal.

"We may be able to correlate DNA changes that occur in individual pancreatic cancer cells with the appearance of these cells at the cellular level," said Hruban, a professor of pathology and oncology and director of the Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center. "The potential for this approach to provide insight into the fundamental biology of pancreatic cancer is significant, as are the potential clinical applications in predicting a patient's prognosis and in guiding therapy."

Other types of the disease, including breast and prostate cancer, will be addressed in the near future. Early data is being stored on computers at the Los Alamos National Laboratory under an arrangement funded by the NIH.

According to Wirtz, the details recorded in the online database will differ from those produced in traditional biopsy evaluations. Typically, information about a patient's disease is obtained by averaging the results from trillions of cells that have been blended together.

With the new scanning system, however, the Johns Hopkins researchers will obtain views of individual cells retrieved from individual patients, even from different parts of the same organ.

This ability to examine single cells is important, Wirtz said, because scientists have discovered that even cells that possess the identical genetic makeup can vary in other small ways that affect the behavior of cancer. For example, these tiny variations in genetically identical cells can cause some to be vulnerable to a particular cancer drug.

"We've come to realize that it is the heterogeneity -- the diversity of cells that have different characteristics -- that is important in evaluating a cancer case," Wirtz said. "In the end, what matters is the cell properties. That's what we measure."

Researchers will begin their studies on clinical samples collected at Johns Hopkins to determine how well the technology works and validate it's potential before it can be used to aid clinical decision-making.

The software and hardware used in the high-throughput cell phenotyping process is protected by patents obtained through the Johns Hopkins Technology Transfer office. The $3.75 million National Cancer Institute grant (CA174388) will be disbursed to the Johns Hopkins Institute for NanoBioTechnology over a five-year period. The funds were allocated through the National Institutes of Health's Common Fund Single Cell Analysis Program.


Related links:

Johns Hopkins Institute for NanoBioTechnology:

Johns Hopkins Engineering in Oncology Center:

Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center:

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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New PC gamer -- gonna make the switch to KB/M for ...

My suggestion is to get a keypad like the n52te (used to be made by nostromo, now made by razer I think) or the logitech g13. The mouse is easy to get used to IMO, it's the keyboard that really isn't suited for gaming. A keypad has a joystick for movement, which you are used to from controllers, and a condensed button layout.

I've never really liked aiming with a controller, pushing the reticle just never felt right to me, The transition between aiming, the dead space and then player movement always felt unnatural. But accurately clicking on things with a mouse in an FPS always felt intuitive because I was used to it from just using a computer. I would say my time was fairly evenly split growing up between consoles and pc, although I played some FPS's on the PC growing up, the first one I really got into was n64 goldeneye and then I moved onto other console shooters before I eventually went back to gaming on the computer.

Last edited by msdmoney; 11-06-12 at 09:42 PM.


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Ortiz, Red Sox finalize $26 million, 2-year deal

BOSTON (AP) ? David Ortiz, the face of the Red Sox since helping Boston end an 86-year World Series drought in 2004, has finalized a $26 million, two-year contract.

The soon-to-be 37-year old Ortiz attended a Fenway Park news conference Monday to announce the agreement, which includes bonuses that could raise the value to $30 million.

Big Papi had consecutive game-ending hits in extra innings of Games 4 and 5 of the 2004 AL championship series against the Yankees as the Red Sox became the first major league team to overcome a 0-3 deficit in a best-of-seven postseason series.

The eight-time All-Star has hit 343 homers for Boston, fifth on the team's career list, and has 1,088 RBIs.


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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

#9: Koolertron Sound music Activated Car Stickers Equalizer Glow ...

Koolertron Sound music Activated Car Stickers Equalizer Glow Sky-blue Light for cars (900mm x 250mm) by Koolertron Buy new: $65.99 2 used & new from $55.99 (Visit the Hot New Releases in Car Audio list for authoritative information on this product?s current rank.)

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Insurance Won't Cover Damage To Torched SF Muni Bus ? CBS ...

An eyewitness recorded video of a a man torching a Muni bus at the intersection of Market Street & Third Street on October 29, 2012. (SFPD)

An eyewitness recorded video of a a man torching a Muni bus at the intersection of Market Street & Third Street on October 29, 2012. (SFPD)

SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) ? San Francisco Municipal Railway is out about $1 million because its insurance does not cover the damage caused by vandals who set a bus on fire during revelry after the Giants? World Series win, a Muni spokesman said Monday.

The 8X-Bayshore Express bus, which initially cost about $700,000 and had an additional $300,000 in rehabilitative work done on it recently, was set ablaze at Market and Third streets about 12:30 a.m. on Oct. 29.

Muni spokesman Paul Rose said the agency?s insurance policy does not cover the damage caused by the arson.

That means Muni is responsible for the tab, aside from any restitution paid by people who may be found responsible for the vandalism.

The bus driver and eight passengers were able to safely escape before the vandals smashed its windows and set the vehicle on fire.

The driver, Alan Yam, will be honored at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency?s board of directors meeting on Tuesday for keeping everyone safe, Rose said.

Those responsible for the arson remain at large but were captured on a video recorded by a bystander. The video was released by police last week and is available online at

A picture taken by a San Francisco Chronicle photographer helped lead to the arrest of Gregory Tyler Graniss, 22, who police believe smashed the windshield of the bus with part of a police barricade.

Graniss is expected to be arraigned Monday afternoon.

(Copyright 2012 by CBS San Francisco. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.)


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SIP Cloud Services ? Healthcare from the Canada Cloud ? Cloud ...

A key facet of the of the Canada Health Infoway Cloud strategy document, is that it identifies services key to the ?PaaS? (Platform as a Service) layer of Cloud computing.

So it?s a good general intro for product strategy at this layer of the Cloud services stack, especially when built around such a large, high-growth industry like Healthcare.

CEBP Transformation

Service providers who deploy Cloud technology that runs the IP communications procotol ?SIP?, will be able to offer associated hosting options: SIP Cloud Services, providing core features such as:

Making all of these services accessible primarily to an audience of software developers, rather than telecomms managers, is the disruptive shift that PaaS represents.

This reflects a maturity in the industry as well as a step up the Cloud standards model: To date we have mainly experienced an IaaS market, which is a relatively small evolution of the existing web hosting markey. Big in scale but not necessarily revolutionary in terms of software design and delivery methods.

In contrast PaaS will be felt most keenly by software programmers, rather than infrastructure managers; naturally.

CEBP Transformation

To illustrate the point and explain SIP Cloud Services we can look at a special topic from the teleomms industry:?CEBP, standing for Communications Enabled Business Process.

In short this means using Unified Communications capabilities, like voice communications, voicemails, faxing, video conferencing, Presence and Instant Messaging, etc., can be accessible to a programmer then building an overall product set: Healthcare workflows for example.

These are ideal building blocks for more dynamic and collaborate BPM (Business Process Management), and so a set of SIP Cloud Services that offer the functionality would be great apps for these sectors.

Building blocks is the key term, because it`s not traditional telco product > phones, switchboards, .. that comes as physical devices to sell to the office staff, but is rather a catalogue of software components that developers pick and choose from. I.e. An apps store.

Healthcare from the Canada Cloud

The Canada Health Infoway paper sets the scene for services at this layer ? There is a keen focus on business transformation and also more emphasis on the complexities of applications and integrations, rather than the basic IaaS building blocks.

As you might expect the most likely sources of this new layer of PaaS services would come from Canadian based suppliers; however equally the fact it is only software components running on IaaS, it`s also likely USA and other providers will emerge, especially when the platform is so readily accessible and common to all Healthcare markets.

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Monday, October 29, 2012

The March of Progress

The March of Progress

In the Empire of Valon, magic has been brought under control. It is directed, manipulated like electricity. The people live a life of safety and privilege...but what is the cost? Where does the power come from?


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This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?The March of Progress?. Anything posted here will also show up there.

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"The March of Progress"

Welcome aboard RPers and prospective joiners. I am Vit, pleased to meet you. This is the March of Progress main OOC thread, and is the place for any questions, ideas, notices and general chatter relating to the RP.

I want the character concepts to be mostly down to you guys and to encourage some creativity and diversity, so if you have an idea you're not quite sure or or need some advice on, by all means ask.

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Hoi, hoi.

Do you have any sort of limit on characters per person? I've three in mind, and I'd like to know what limitations may-or-may not exist before developing any of them further. Nothing worse than having a well developed character rot away, after all.

Edit: Oh, and as two of those ideas are mages, might you be willing to expand on how magic works in The Explicarium? More specifically, are mages limited to a given type? Where to they draw their power? Might being a mage enable one to enhance their physical abilities?


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Friday, October 26, 2012

HB Coupe blends classic looks with modern comforts

A weight of under 1,800 pounds (815 kg), a 0-62 mph (0-100 km/h) under five seconds, and a production of only 40 examples ? those sound like numbers that should appeal to many a car collector, especially when he focuses his eyes on the smooth, retro-inspired body of the Huet Brothers Coup?. The limited edition car is officially available for reservation, and the Dutch manufacturer is hustling to fill the remaining pre-orders it needs to begin production.

Huet Brothers introduced the HB Coup? concept car this past January, and has refined the design into a production-ready model. Each rear-wheel-drive Coup? is built atop a carbon monocoque that weighs less than 220 pounds (100 kg), lending way to a total weight of around 1,764 pounds (800 kg) ? even when factoring in modern conveniences like the heated seats, airbags and touchscreen-based audio system.

With a weight that looks more like that of half a car, Huet Brothers was able to shrink the size of its original six-cylinder engine down to a 170-hp 2.0-liter four-cylinder, to increase fuel economy while still maintaining a 0-62 mph (0-100 km/h) acceleration of less than five seconds. A tuned 255-hp 2.0-liter option gets there in less than four seconds.

Built with a spirit of nostalgia for the chivalry and ideals of the 1950s, the HB Coup? looks like it drove into the showroom half a century ago. The car was designed as a hard-topped daily driver answer to Huet Brother's Special roadster. While the look is a little forced here in 2012, it's hard to argue with simple, elegant curves in a world that leans toward busy, over-designed cars. It's nowhere near as pure and unforgettable as the original Jaguar E-Type, but it feels just a little closer to that level of auto ecstasy than Jaguar's own F-Type.

Huet Brothers plans to begin production of 40 handbuilt Coup? models in 2014. The Coup? Classic and Coup? Road Racer models can each be equipped with either the 170-hp or 255-hp engine for ?67,800 (app. US$88,000) and ?78,500 (app. $102,000), respectively. Each model is offered with a six-speed manual transmission, independent double-wishbone front suspension, independent multi-link rear suspension, anti-lock braking system (ABS) and leather interior.

The Coup? Road Racer is essentially a tweaked version of the Coup? Classic with larger wheels, a modified exhaust system and several different parts, including the front spoiler. Huet Brothers is also working on a third Coup?, the track-specific Coup? RACE. That model will not be street legal and will include a full roll cage. Huet Brothers is still working out powertrain details, and told us it's considering a 300-hp engine with F1 gearbox.

Huet Brothers opened up pre-ordering last month. It is trying hard to fill all remaining reservations to ensure it is able to move ahead with production. The company encourages those interested in the Coup? RACE to contact it directly.

Source: Huet Brothers


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Monday, October 15, 2012

Jones' kick return lifts Ravens over Cowboys 31-29

Dallas Cowboys tight end Jason Witten, left, is tackled by Baltimore Ravens free safety Ed Reed in the second half of an NFL football game in Baltimore, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Gail Burton)

Dallas Cowboys tight end Jason Witten, left, is tackled by Baltimore Ravens free safety Ed Reed in the second half of an NFL football game in Baltimore, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Gail Burton)

Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice, left, rushes past Dallas Cowboys dedenders Bruce Carter, second from left, and Sean Lee in the first half of an NFL football game in Baltimore, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)

Baltimore Ravens wide receivers Torrey Smith, left, and Anquan Boldin react after Smith's touchdown in the first half of an NFL football game against the Dallas Cowboys in Baltimore, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice, center, rushes past Dallas Cowboys defenders Mike Jenkins, right, and Bruce Carter in the first half of an NFL football game in Baltimore, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Baltimore Ravens running back Bernard Pierce, right, tries to outrun Dallas Cowboys inside linebacker Bruce Carter in the first half of an NFL football game in Baltimore, Sunday, Oct. 14, 2012. (AP Photo/Nick Wass)

(AP) ? Eight yards deep in the end zone when he caught the kickoff, Jacoby Jones had an instant to decide: take a knee or run.

He ran ? all the way into the record book.

"You know when you get that itch? I wanted to scratch it," Jones said. "So I took it."

Jones tied an NFL record with a 108-yard kickoff return, and the Baltimore Ravens held off the Dallas Cowboys 31-29 Sunday for their 14th straight regular-season home win.

The Cowboys amassed 481 yards against a crippled Baltimore defense and held the ball for more than 40 minutes. Dallas totaled 227 yards rushing, the most against the Ravens since the franchise arrived in Baltimore in 1996.

It wasn't enough. Jones' return put the Ravens (5-1) ahead 24-13 in the third quarter, and Dallas (2-3) never got even against a defense that lost cornerbacks Lardarius Webb (right knee) and Jimmy Smith (lower leg strain), along with middle linebacker Ray Lewis (triceps).

Webb could have an ACL tear, coach John Harbaugh said.

"They threw a lot of haymakers at us," Harbaugh said. "Our guys stepped up at the end and found a way to win the game."

After Dez Bryant scored on a 4-yard pass from Tony Romo with 32 seconds left to make it 31-29, the 2-point conversion pass zipped through the arms of the diving Bryant in the front left corner of the end zone.

Dallas recovered the onside kick, but Dan Bailey was wide left on a 51-yard field goal try with :06 remaining.

"I felt we fought really hard and well through a lot of different adversities in all three phases," Cowboys coach Jason Garrett said. "(The Ravens) have been awfully good for a while. This team's been awfully good in this place for a while. We gave them everything they could handle."

Ray Rice scored two touchdowns and Joe Flacco threw for a score to help the Ravens secure their fourth consecutive victory and enhance their grip on first place in the AFC North. Baltimore's home winning streak is the longest current run in the NFL.

Jones' return tied the mark set by Ellis Hobbs of New England in 2007 and tied in 2011 by Randall Cobb of Green Bay.

"To set the National Football League record for a kickoff return, in what was the difference in the game, is pretty special," Harbaugh said.

The score was essential to the Ravens, who mustered only 1 yard on three offensive plays in the third quarter.

After Jones' touchdown, the Cowboys launched an 80-yard march that ate up more than eight minutes. Romo connected with Bryant for 13 yards on a third-and-11 before throwing a 7-yard touchdown pass to Bryant to make it 24-20.

Dallas followed with two strong defensive series, and a short punt by Baltimore preceded a 21-yard drive to a field goal by Bailey.

Flacco then directed a 10-play, 73-yard march. A 31-yard completion to Anquan Boldin moved the ball to the Dallas 4, and Rice scored from the 1 to provide the Ravens an eight-point cushion.

The Cowboys rallied, but could not complete the comeback.

"At the end of the day, we've got to finish the game and we have to win the game," Garrett said. "We didn't do that."

Dallas tight end Jason Witten added, "Obviously they're a good team and you don't walk away saying, 'Hey we 'played a good team close.' You walk away saying, 'We had an opportunity and we lost.'"

Romo went 25 for 36 for 261 yards and two touchdowns, a redemptive performance after he threw five interceptions in his last outing against Chicago. DeMarco Murray ran for 93 yards, Felix Jones had 92 on the ground and Bryant caught 13 passes for 95 yards and two TDs.

Murray left in the second half with a foot injury; his absence did little to deter the Cowboys' running game.

"We ran it inside, we ran it outside, we got some stuff off the run game," Garrett said. "We kept the ball for a long time and those were all good things."

Baltimore trailed 10-3 before scoring touchdowns on a pair of 80-yard drives to take a 17-10 halftime lead.

The Ravens pulled even when Rice ran in from the 1 after a hands-to-the-face penalty against Dallas lineman Kenyon Coleman on third-and-goal from the 2. Earlier in the march, Rice ran 43 yards with a short pass.

Cary Williams' third interception in three games gave the ball back to Baltimore. Flacco completed two 20-yard passes to Boldin before hitting Torrey Smith for a 19-yard score with 41 seconds left in the half.

Facing the top-ranked pass defense in the NFL, Flacco went 13 for 18 for 174 yards in the first half.

The Ravens opened the game with a 14-play drive that lasted over seven minutes and ended with a 38-yard field goal.

Dallas answered with an 80-yard march culminated by a 22-yard run by Felix Jones and featuring a 28-yard run by Murray, longest against the Ravens since 2010. The Cowboys' next possession stretched more than six minutes, covered 56 yards and produced a 42-yard field goal by Bailey for a 10-3 lead.

NOTES: Ravens C Matt Birk played in his 200th NFL game. . Bobbie Williams started at guard for the Ravens in place of Ramon Harewood, who was inactive after five straight starts. . Baltimore Orioles manager Buck Showalter accompanied the Ravens captains to the coin toss and received a standing ovation. . Cowboys DL Sean Lissemore left in the first quarter with an ankle injury.


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Associated Press


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PPP: Obama Weathers Post-Debate Fallout, Leads Ohio By 5

Although President Barack Obama has seen solid leads evaporate in the last week, a poll released Saturday night suggests that Ohio may continue to serve as a firewall for his campaign.

The latest survey from Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP) shows Obama leading Mitt Romney among likely Ohio voters, 51 percent to 46 percent. That's little change from PPP's pre-debate poll of Ohio two weeks ago, which showed Obama up 4.

The PollTracker Average currently shows Obama holding a small lead over Romney in Ohio, 47.5 percent to 45.2 percent.

Obama has outperformed Romney in Ohio throughout this campaign. By the end of September it looked like the president was poised to walk away with the Buckeye State's 18 electoral votes. But a successful outing in the first presidential debate breathed new life into Romney's campaign, and the Republican nominee has subsequently either narrowed or erased Obama's leads both nationwide and in swing states.

Saturday's poll offered plenty of explanations for Obama's durability in Ohio. For one, the president's resilience there could be a testament to his robust field operation. By a roughly 3-to-1 ratio, the Obama team claims more campaign offices statewide than Romney. The fruits of Obama's ground game may be discernible in the poll: among the nearly 20 percent of Ohioans who said that they have already voted, 76 percent of them cast their ballots for the president. Romney, on the other hand, leads Obama among those who have not voted yet, 51 percent to 45 percent.

What's more, PPP's findings underscore what's been so paramount to the president's standing both in Ohio and in neighboring states. Fifty-four percent of Ohio voters said they support the bailout of the U.S. automotive industry, long a significant source of support for Obama throughout the Rust Belt, while 37 percent said they remain opposed. On the question of which candidate would be better for the auto industry, 50 percent of Ohio voters gave the nod to Obama compared with 43 percent who said Romney. And a majority of Ohio voters, 51 percent, said they trust Obama more on the economy, while 46 percent said they preferred Romney.

Obama's approval rating has improved since PPP's Ohio poll in late-September, which showed a narrow plurality of the state's voters disapproving of his job as president. In Saturday's poll, 50 percent of Ohio voters said they approve of Obama's job performance, while 48 percent said they disapprove. Romney's own personal standing has gotten slightly worse: 51 percent of voters there have an unfavorable view of the former Massachusetts governor, up from 49 percent in September.

While Romney's surge in many polls this week showed a narrowing of the gender gap, PPP's latest survey found Obama widening his lead among Ohio women. The president leads by 12 among female voters in the state, a big bump from his slim 2-point edge late last month.

PPP did not survey Ohio last weekend, so it is unclear what immediate damage Obama incurred there for his flat performance in the Oct. 3 presidential debate. But it's possible the president was at least partly redeemed by his running mate: 46 percent of Ohio voters said Vice President Joe Biden was the winner of Thursday night's vice presidential debate, while 37 percent gave the edge to Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI).

PPP conducted its survey Oct. 12-13 using automated interviews with 880 likely Ohio voters. The poll has a margin of error of 3.3 percentage points.


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Sunday, October 14, 2012

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

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Turkey's frustration at Syria led to plane action

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a news conference with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, unseen, in Ankara, Turkey, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. Erdogan said the Syrian passenger plane intercepted on its way from Moscow to Damascus was carrying military equipment and ammunition to Syria. Erdogan said the cargo seized by Turkish authorities late Wednesday was destined for the Syrian military.(AP Photo)

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks during a news conference with Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, unseen, in Ankara, Turkey, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. Erdogan said the Syrian passenger plane intercepted on its way from Moscow to Damascus was carrying military equipment and ammunition to Syria. Erdogan said the cargo seized by Turkish authorities late Wednesday was destined for the Syrian military.(AP Photo)

RETRANSMISSION FOR ALTERNATIVE CROP - A Syrian youth holds a child wounded by Syrian Army shelling near Dar El Shifa hospital in Aleppo, Syria, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012. (AP Photo/ Manu Brabo)

(AP) ? The interception of a Syrian passenger plane from Russia, allegedly carrying military gear to Damascus, is a sign of Turkey's mounting frustration at the drawn-out conflict and its inability to hasten regime change in its neighbor, according to analysts.

Recent cross-border shelling from Syria that killed five Turkish civilians near the countries' 910-kilometer (566-mile) common frontier may have forced Turkey to act, but its options were limited.

"There's nothing magical about the timing. It's a coincidence resulting from the build-up of frustration in Ankara," said Fadi Hakura, a Turkey analyst at the Chatham House think tank in London. "Turkey wants to hasten the demise of the Assad regime in Damascus, but really its hands are tied."

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been at the forefront of international efforts to put pressure on the Assad regime and end its 19-month crackdown on the opposition. Last year, Ankara began allowing members of the rebel Free Syrian Army to operate in Turkey and now Syria's civil war has reached a stalemate.

"Given the current international impasse over the conflict in Syria, practical measures such as the interception of aircraft will become increasingly important for states seeking to restrict Syrian government forces' access to military-related goods from external sources," said Edin Omanovic, a researcher with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Turkish fighter jets on Wednesday intercepted the Syrian Air plane they said was carrying Russian ammunition and military equipment destined for the Syrian Defense Ministry. Syria branded the incident piracy and Russia said the action endangered the lives of Russian citizens aboard the aircraft.

Russia has been one of Syria's main weapons suppliers, and it has also been shielding the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad from U.N. sanctions.

Mehmet Yegin, an analyst with the Ankara-based International Strategic Research Organization, said that it was not yet clear whether the decision to force down the Moscow to Damascus plane was part of a larger drive to change the dynamic of the war.

"If it is acting with its allies, it's a clear message to Russia to get out of the picture and stop arming Syria," he added. "It is such a bold move, that one wonders if Turkey acted alone."

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland declined Thursday to comment on Turkish media reports that the intelligence on the plane's contents had come from the United States.

But she told reporters that Washington backed Turkey's decision to intercept the plane.

"Any transfer of any military equipment to the Syrian regime at this time is very concerning, and we look forward to hearing more from the Turkish side when they get to the bottom of what they found," said Nuland.

The exact contents of the cargo are still unclear: Turkey's prime minister described it as "ammunition," while Yeni Safak, a newspaper close to the Turkish government, reported Friday that the cargo contained 12 pieces of missile parts and "trigger devices" and that intelligence received was that it could be used by Syria against Turkey.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said late Friday that the plane was carrying radar parts for Syria, that the shipment complied with international law and that there was no weapon on board.

Lavrov said, however, that the cargo, consisting of "electric equipment for radars," was of dual purpose and could have civilian and military applications. The Russian company that sent it demands its return, he said.

Earlier, the respected Russian daily Kommersant quoted an unidentified source saying there were 12 boxes of spare parts for radars of the Syrian missile defense units.

"If the Kommersant report is right, you could speculate about this being part of a build-up to imposing a no-fly zone," said Hugh Pope, who leads the Turkey program for the International Crisis Group.

Such a move could be the first step toward lending Syria's rebels the same kind of international air support that helped bring down Libya's Muammar Gadhafi last year.

But most analysts see no push ? either in Turkey or among its Western allies ? for outside military involvement in Syria.

Fyodor Lukyanov, editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs, said the incident also wasn't about sending any messages to Russia in particular, because Russia's stance on Syria is already clear and isn't likely to change.

Lukyanov said the plane incident showed that Turkey is "getting really nervous" with hostilities raging near its border. "Turkey is trying to demonstrate how tough and capable it is."

Meanwhile, Russia's and Turkey's growing business ties could suffer, he said.

If Turkey keeps on getting involved in Syria, "the political situation in Syria will have an increasing influence on other areas of their (Russian-Turkish) relations," said Lukyanov. "No one wants to heat this up, but sometimes things get out of hand."


Suzan Fraser in Ankara, Turkey, and Nataliya Vasilyeva in Moscow contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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